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Divine Hands International University

The Roots of Education are Bitter, But the Fruit is Sweet



Creating Theologically Educated Global Community
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An Autonomous International / Interdenominational Seminary for Professional Ministers (A Spiritual Higher Educational wing of Divine Hands International Ministries)
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Beloved Brother/Sister,
“ Why settle a job within four walls; When your service required to whole humanity around the world? Think……….Pray………and Become a Minister of God the Almighty.
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No Matter How Old are you are…
DHIU – Teaches/ Trains/Transforms and Ordain Men and Women from all denominations which has Faith as per our faith statement and similar in doctrines as we are.
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Convert your hands from Just Hands to Divine Hands!
Earn Your Religious Credential in Shortest possible time by using a combination of "1. Previous Theological Studies" and "2. Previous Ministerial Experience"
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We view Ordination as a “ CALLING BY GOD THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT”. Individuals who have been Ordained as Minister may Marry, Burry, Sanctify and Bless and are granted all of the rights and responsibilities. Ordained Ministers are independent and may form their own congregation anywhere in the world as per the provisions of the Law of the Land.
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DHIU – Offers
DHIU – Offers qualified Men and Women the opportunity to earn their religious Credentials with life experience and educational Qualifications. Now Every Student can earn,
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DHIU – Ordain
DHIU – Ordain Qualified Men and Women through it’s Parent Ministry, DIVINE HANDS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES as Evangelist | Pastor | Reverend | Bishop | Apostle through the power and authority given by HOLY SCRIPTURES ( Bible Verses).
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Doctor of Philosophy

Any Baptized Christian with Master Degree and relevant ministerial experienced can Join

Doctor of Philosophy – D.Ph.

Doctor of Theology

Any Baptized Christian with Master Degree and relevant ministerial experienced can Join

Doctor of Theology – D.Th.

Doctor of Divinity

Any Baptized Christian with Master Degree and relevant ministerial experienced can Join

Doctor of Divinity – D.Div.

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Know About DHIU


“ But the hours is coming,and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth; for the father is seeking such to WORSHIP Him ”. – John.4:23.

“ WORSHIP “ This is the word which glitters in modern world of Christianity. But Most of them – not understanding the meaning of the True WORSHIP which inducted by god at John.4:23. Let us try to Understand in light of scriptures under the Holy Spirit guidance.

Is God just a pretty, Arrogant being who demands us worship and praise to feed His ego or is there a more noble reason fro him desiring WORSHIP? Does God seek extravagant, Entertaining, Outward expressions of WORSHIP or Just simple heart felt expressions that Spring from deep within ( Philip.3:3 ) ? Man glories in outwardly impressive displays, where as God glories in the inward movement that articulates itself in WORSHIP.

A. Five kinds of WORSHIPS :-

Among religious activities, we see many different expressions of WORSHIP’S forward God describe each of them,

* Ignorant – Act.1:7-23.

* Vain – Math.15:8-9.

* Self Righteous – Luke.18:9-14.

* Self Imposed – Colosians.2:23

* Spiritual – John.4:23-24

B. WORSHIP in Spirit and Truth – John.4:19-24.

What is Jesus telling us about nature of WORSHIP ? the common explanation is that WORSHIP is to include the right Spirit and the right Actions, But notice Jesus is making a contrast between two expressions of WORSHIP. To this woman at the well(John.4:21).

Did the Old testament WORSHIP reqiure the right Spirit and right Actions? ( Math.15:7-9, Isa.1:10, Malachi.1:6-14). * Did the New Testament WORSHIP require the right Spirit and right Actions ? ( MAth.15:7-9).

Wht is the contrast then ? Wht would be the difference between Onl Testament WORSHIP and New Testament WORSHIP? What Moses brought and Jesus Brought? ( John.1:17, Colosians.2:14,16-17, Hebrew.8:4-6,9:9-10,10:1-14)

What is necessary for us to be true WORSHIPERS ?

( John.4:23-24, Philip.3:3)

Would it be right, wrong or different. If we went back to the WORSHIP of the Old Testament Law ?

( Heb.9:9-15, Rom.7:1-6, Galasians.5:14 ).


It is very important

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It is very important that, Our Expressions of WORSHIP to God be constant with His will and be from the depth of our Hearts.
God despises WORSHIP that is done only show.
True WORSHIP has graduated from the Outward aspects of the Old Testament Law to the Inward expressions of the New Testament Law.
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Let us keep it in on that High Spiritual Plane and enjoy the Experience of TRUE WORSHIP.
Dear Co worker of His wine yard, Till next devotion, Dig into this topic WORSHIP much Prayers and Praising. Be filled and Blessed.

Your Co worker,
Dr.Reuben B. Solomon,
Chief Administrator – DHIU.
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Accredited & Affiliated with :-
International Theological Accreditation Commission – Jerusalem
International Institutes of Church Management – Florida, USA
World-Wide Accrediting Commission of Christian Educational Institutions – Richmond, Virginia, USA
Certified Member of Apostolic Council of Educatonal Accountability – CO, USA
Participant member of United Nations Global Compact – NY, USA
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